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Photo of Ariel Duarte Gonzalez Mexico

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Ariel Duarte José González

President Herrera Avenue No. 1646;

Rep. Col. Mexicana, Mexicali, B. C;

Tel (686) 5-67-35-99

Email: jadadupa@yahoo.com

Born in 1966 in Cauri de Guadalupe, Michoacán, Mexico. At 8 years of age resides in Mexicali, Baja California. In 1982 he went to file the state of Oaxaca where he studied art at the Casa de la...

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Ariel Duarte José González

President Herrera Avenue No. 1646;

Rep. Col. Mexicana, Mexicali, B. C;

Tel (686) 5-67-35-99

Email: jadadupa@yahoo.com

Born in 1966 in Cauri de Guadalupe, Michoacán, Mexico. At 8 years of age resides in Mexicali, Baja California. In 1982 he went to file the state of Oaxaca where he studied art at the Casa de la Cultura de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca., And with José María García de Alba Cepeda. It was in the cities of Salina Cruz, Tehuantepec and Juchitan, Oaxaca, where he presented his first solo and group exhibitions. Later, he studied engraving with the teacher Miguel Angel Ortiz Bonilla in Mexicali, and makes an artist residency at La Ceiba Gráfica, lithography workshop led by Swedish artist Per Anderson, Coatepec, Veracruz

In 1988, he returned to Mexicali, where he studied a degree in sociology at the Autonomous University of Baja California, and is clerk of the Master of Social Sciences, option in regional development by the university. During that same time participating in the Biennial and the Biennial University of Baja California Plastic, in various editions. Since 1999 teacher of the Institute of Fine Arts of the State of Baja California, where he has taught theoretical subjects of Sociology of Art Regional Art History, Aesthetics, Identity and Values, Theoretical Foundations of Art Education and Teaching Fine Arts Specific . In addition, he teaches the practical matters of Digital Design, Painting and Printmaking. Is Professor of Art Education degree in Teacher Education and basic degree course in Fine Arts. He teaches printmaking at the Bachelor of Fine Arts of the Autonomous University of Baja California.

Written test and develop research projects in the field of art, culture and education in the border region between Mexico and the United States. Currently writing a critical essay on the work of artist Ruth Hernández Ortiz Mexicali.

He has over 30 solo and group exhibitions between his artistic career in the disciplines of painting, sculpture and engraving in the cities of Salina Cruz, Tehuantepec and Juchitán, in the state of Oaxaca, and in the cities of Mexicali and Tijuana, Baja California, and in Salamanca, Guanajuato. He has participated in two editions of the International Biennial of Engraving CAXIANOVA, Spain.

Among the awards and distinctions he has received include:

First Regional Competition Painting technical secondary schools in Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, in 1984.

First place in the State Contest painting of technical secondary schools in the city of Oaxaca, Oax., In 1985.

Finalist in the National Painting Competition, technical secondary schools of the Directorate General of Industrial Technical Education (DGETI) in Tlalnepantla, Estado de Mexico, in 1986.

Selection of the work in the second meeting of artists from the UABC in 1991.

Selection of his artwork in the Hall of Plastic Cachanilla in Mexicali in 2008 and 2009.

Currently a member of the Artists Cooperative José García Arroyo, founded in 1992, and member of the Printmaking Workshop "The Chamizo, Mexicali, B. C. since 2005, coordinated by the painter and printmaker Ruth Hernández Ortiz. Since 2009 he teaches courses on Recorded at State Arts Center in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico.

To establish contact, please address correspondence to: José Ariel Duarte González, President Herrera Avenue No. 1646, Col. Rep. Mexicana Tel 5-67-35-99 686., In Mexicali, BC, or Email : jadadupa@yahoo.com.

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